a BOGI  aka SDEX32   or Bogdan Stoyanov  (Bulgaria)
Hi I want to share some code to every body who love and use Pascal, the code is not totaly finished becouse I change it almost every day so lets say that this code is in graft but working state. It can be compiled with Delphi or FreePascal. If you find it interesting pleace note me sdex32@abv.bg Bye
BTimer  - unit for timer functions.
BSurface - unut to create dib in 1,8,15,16,24,32 bpp bitmap with pointer to the surface for software rendering, functions to access pixels on surface and load, save
BCanvas - unit replacement of Graphics.pas in delphi it have BTCanvas BTPen BTBrush BTBitmap classes with meny extensions like gradient fill alpha blending scaling roreting and more need BSurface
The Tbitmap have many preset filters.
BFlatWin - is a unit that make the ability to write window aplications in flat script mode the pascal code will look somthing like that
  until KeyPressed;
  GetKey; // Clear key
end.                                           /// look nice like old scool code
it suport key boeard and mouse functions and may hook procedures to some events.
BForms - unit with classes to handle windows managment it have classs for BTForm BTButton BTLabel BTRadioButton BTCheckBox BTGroupBox BTComboBox BTEditBox BTListBox BScrollBar  BTIcon BTCursor BTTimer BTAplication  the classes BTMenu is under construction. This unit make
a wery lite code with small foot print of exe not like forms in Delphi. The is a small simple example after todo list inside the code
BMMSound - unit to play MOD file and WAV files. It have nice mixer to play many wavs and one mod file at same time.
BMicroDX.pas - unit to enter D3D software render mode. wery lite to make demos have a example inside the code.
More will come soon, still no time
Wife, children and job :(